Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Financial Education necessary?

Financial education provides a clear understanding of how money works and how it should be managed. Decisions about finances affect our daily lives. We are faced with questions: Should I go to a University or a Trade School; pay cash or charge an item; or spend today or save for tomorrow? Skills in personal finance are necessary in order to manage real world situations. Knowledge and confidence is required to ask the right questions in order to make an informed decision. Financial education provides knowledge and increase confidence. Everyone needs financial education. It strengthens the economy by producing informed, educated, and responsible consumers. Education raises awareness, and organizations that offer this service can maximize the impact that they have on their client’s ability to become financially self-sufficient.

What is a AFC®?

AFC® certification marks the highest standards of excellence in the field of financial counseling and education. Accredited Financial Counselors have certified skills to assist individuals and families in the complex process of financial decision making, including the ability to: • Educate students and their families in sound financial principles. • Assist youth in the process of overcoming their financial and student loan indebtedness. • Help clients identify and modify ineffective money management behaviors. • Guidance in developing successful strategies for achieving their financial goals. • Support clients as they work through their financial challenges and opportunities. • Assistance in developing new perspective on the dynamics of money in relation to family, friends and individual self-esteem.

Who will teach the financial classes?

All financial classes will be taught by a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) or an Accredited Financial Counselor (AFC).  Other classes such as "How to buy a House" will be taught by a licensed professional.

Where are your classes held?

Organizations request educational classes for their clients. Classes are held on-site at the requestor’s location.

Do you offer adult classes?

Yes, adult classes are offered upon request.

What's the cost of the class?

Each class is specifically designed to provide an integrated course of study. Classes are designed to be interactive for up to 10 students. We can specifically tailor our program to meet your organization's needs and budget. Please contact us directly, we will provide a quote based on the location, and the number of enrolled students.